April 17, 2015

Former lawmaker shot dead in Kyiv


KYIV – A former member of Parliament has been found shot dead in the Ukrainian capital. Senior Internal Affairs Ministry official Anton Herashchenko said Oleh Kalashnikov was found dead on April 15 at the doorstep of his apartment. Mr. Kalashnikov, 52, was a member of former President Viktor Yanukovych’s Party of Regions. Mr. Herashchenko said Mr. Kalashnikov had knowledge of the Anti-Maidan movement, which opposed pro-Western protests that ousted Mr. Yanukovych in February 2014 – suggesting this might be a motive for his alleged murder. “Without doubt the deceased knew a lot about who financed Anti-Maidan and in what way,” Mr. Herashchenko said. “He takes these secrets with him to the grave.” He said the ministry had opened up a criminal case. (RFE/RL, based on reporting by Reuters and Interfax)