January 26, 2018

Geraschenko receives Global Trailblazer Award


Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security

Iryna Geraschenko (center) with United Kingdom Foreign Secretary William Hague (keynote speaker at the 2017 Global Trailblazer Award event) and Ambassador Melanne Verveer, director of the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security.

WASHINGTON – Iryna Geraschenko is the highest-ranking woman in the ongoing process to reach a peaceful solution to the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

She is the deputy speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament and serves as the Ukrainian president’s commissioner for the peaceful settlement of the situation in war-torn Donetsk and Luhansk.

Ms. Geraschenko has traveled repeatedly to conflict areas in Ukraine’s east, and continues to shine a spotlight on the impact of violence on the most vulnerable communities, including children and internally displaced persons. She has also recognized the differential impact conflict has on women, and the crucial role women have played in Ukraine during since the Maidan Revolution in 2014.

Ms. Geraschenko also co-chaired the Ukrainian Parliament’s Equal Opportunities Caucus, one of few cross-party coalitions in Ukrainian politics. The caucus worked across notoriously divisive political lines and pushed for legislation on domestic violence, equality in the workforce and increased women’s political participation. Prior to being appointed deputy speaker, she served on the parliamentary Committee on European Integration and began her career as a journalist.

For her ongoing efforts to bring about a peaceful resolution to the conflict in eastern Ukraine, and for using her place at the table to advocate for marginalized groups, Georgetown University’s Institute for Women, Peace and Security presented her with the 2017 Global Trailblazer Award.

Ms. Geraschenko received the award on October 30, 2017, at a ceremony in London. Also honored were Monica McWilliams of Northern Ireland and May Sabe Phyu of Myanmar.