August 18, 2017

Great and Only God, save our Ukraine


A letter from the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence.

Beloved brethren in the Lord!

Today, all the bells in the sacred temples of our ancestral homeland Ukraine ring, proclaiming the joyous news that Ukraine celebrates the 26th anniversary of her independence.

We thank our Lord God from the bottom of our hearts for this wonderful gift – an independent and sovereign state. It is truly a gift for all of us – both those who live in Ukraine and those whose destiny it is to live far beyond the borders of their beloved homeland.

The first article of the Ukrainian Constitution states that “Ukraine is a sovereign and independent, democratic, social and legal state…” Let us take care that it remains that way! In the fifth article of the Constitution we read that “Ukraine is a republic, inherently sovereign and only source of authority in Ukraine is the people.”

When we pray today in the Tropar: “Lord, save Your people…” we mean “Lord, save our Ukrainian people….” We continue to pray: “and bless Your inheritance… .” Today we see before us our present and our future – our Ukrainian children and youth. You, dear Ukrainian youth, are our present and our future. Educate yourselves and you will succeed! You, young adults – Ukrainian professionals – are our inheritance! Acquire all the knowledge you can in order to aid Ukraine. Join the ranks of those who stand for Ukraine! Your country needs you in governmental leadership, in private institutions and organizations. Work for the good of Ukraine!

Further we pray: “…grant victory to our God-loving (Ukrainian) people over their enemies….” When we open the book of our ancient and modern history, we find many victorious examples in the process of nation building: Kyiv Rus’, the Princedom of Halychyna and Volhyn, the Kozak state, the creation of the Central Council (Rada) in 1917 and its significant, everlasting declarations – in particular the Fourth Universal, which proclaimed the independence of Ukraine in 1918, the proclamation of Ukrainian statehood in Lviv on June 30, 1941, and the final declaration of independence 26 years ago – on August 24, 1991. In these days of present trials and invasion, we offer sincere prayers for the men and women of Ukrainian armed forces that day and night protect the peace and bright future of their homeland.

In the process of a continued state formation and European integration, many fervent prayers to God are essential. We pray that He will grant us victory over failure, temptation, sorrow and affliction. Ukraine has suffered much defeat, faced many sorrows and much tragedy. Does she need further such disappointment and hardship?

The prayer continues: “And by Your Cross preserve Your community.” Our independence became reality through the Lord’s Cross, by His will. Ukraine has endured many misfortunes, much suffering and outright theft of her resources. Now, through our Lord’s Cross, there is resurrection and relative peace. We see new temples, churches and chapels being erected for the glory of God in the Holy Trinity, the Mother of God and all the saints. They are beautiful, but a spiritual rebirth of the people is now an absolute necessity! Let us commit ourselves to that renewal as we celebrate this day!

On this occasion of national joy we pray fervently that our people live in unity, truth and justice. The spark of truth has fallen upon Ukraine – her glory and the glory of her martyrs has been returned to her. In unity lies the strength of a nation. Let us all work towards progress in our glorious ancestral homeland Ukraine, seeking spiritual, moral, social, economic and political reform. Let us remember that our strength and hope for such an effort is in God.

We remember and honor our departed and holy heroes – all those who through the ages have sacrificed their lives for statehood and the independence of Ukraine and her Holy Church. They deserve our sincere prayers and honor. May their memory be eternal!

We conclude with the prayer of Metropolitan Ilarion of Kyiv for the people of Rus’-Ukraine:

“Extend Your grace to Your people! Cast aside foreign invasions, strengthen peace; pacify our neighbors; satisfy hunger; make our rulers fearsome to our neighbors; make our leaders wise; settle the towns and cities; build up Your Church; preserve what belongs to You. Save men, women and children, as well as those who are in slavery and captivity, those who travel by land and sea, those who hunger and thirst. Be merciful to all, console all, bring joy to all and bestow upon them spiritual and material gifts. Through the intercessions of Your Ever-Blessed Mother, the Holy Heavenly Powers, Your Predecessor John the Baptist, the Apostles, the Prophets, the Venerable Martyrs and Saints, have mercy on us and bless us, o Lord!”

O, Great and Only God, save our Ukraine! Amen!

+ Yurij, Metropolitan
of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada

+ Antony, Metropolitan
of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. and
Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the Diaspora

+ Jeremiah, Archbishop
of the Ukrainian Orthodox Diocese of Brazil and South America

+ Daniel, Archbishop
of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A.

+ Ilarion, Bishop
of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada

+ Andriy, Bishop
of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada