August 27, 2021

Officials issue statements to mark 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s renewed independence

Ukrainian World Congress

The following statement was released by the Ukrainian World Congress on August 23. It is attributed to UWC President Paul Grod.

Dear friends,
On behalf of the Ukrainian World Congress, I welcome all Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine on this important anniversary – the renewal of Ukraine’s independence.

Thirty years ago, the dream of many generations of Ukrainians came true.

The efforts of our global diaspora helped to ensure recognition of Ukraine’s independence by the international community in 1991, as well as recognition of the 2014 Revolution of Dignity.

Unfortunately, today Ukraine’s independence is once again threatened by Russia’s military aggression and imperial ambitions of its leaders.

We remain committed to defending Ukraine and the Ukrainian people around the world; to building a democratic and economically strong Ukraine; and to fostering our identity as Ukrainians around the world.

The global Ukrainian community and all peace-loving people stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Ukraine in their pursuit for peace and prosperity.

Happy Independence Day! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to its Heroes!

U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken

The following statement was released by U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken on August 24.

On behalf of the United States of America, I send best wishes to the people of Ukraine as you celebrate your Independence Day.

Thirty years ago, Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada made the bold choice for Ukraine to chart a new course as an independent, democratic and sovereign state grounded in European values. In the three decades since that historic decision, Ukraine’s trajectory toward its Euro-Atlantic future has been clear, and the Ukrainian people can be proud of their achievements.

Throughout this period, the United States has stood with you. We are resolute in our belief that a democratic, prosperous and secure Ukraine is in the interest not only of the people of Ukraine, but also of the United States and the international community. We will continue to support you in your efforts to achieve your Euro-Atlantic aspirations, to restore and secure Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders and to defend against Russia’s aggression. Your current reform efforts are key to meeting these goals, and we remain your close partner as you work to advance anti-corruption efforts, promote economic growth and fulfill the promise of the Revolution of Dignity.

The United States is committed to strengthening our relationship with Ukraine as we work together to build a prosperous future for all Ukrainians. Congratulations on 30 years of independence!

Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America released the following statement on August 21.

On August 24, Ukrainians around the world will joyously mark the historic 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s renewed independence, celebrating the moment when Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada (parliament) overwhelmingly approved the Act of Declaration of Independence. The restoration of Ukraine’s independence was a goal many could only dream of, but this momentous step, taken in 1991, proclaimed an end to centuries of Soviet and Russian bondage and resolutely allowed Ukraine to take its first pivotal move towards establishing a whole, free and democratic state.

Over these past 30 years of renewed independence, Ukrainians have achieved unbelievable successes – a political and cultural revival – from the establishment of a vibrant civil society and a strategic partnership with the United States to deepening their ties with Euro-Atlantic structures. Unfortunately, along with these many successes came many sacrifices. Today Ukraine must continue to fight to safeguard its long-fought independence. Let us honor the brave men and women who continue to stand on the frontlines of democracy defending not only Ukraine’s sovereignty, but that of all of Europe.

Today, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), the largest representative organization of Americans of Ukrainian descent, joins Ukrainians around the world in celebrating this historic 30th anniversary of renewed independence. UCCA sends its warmest greetings and prays that the good Lord safeguards the Ukrainian people and grants them the strength to secure their sovereignty, the fortitude to restore their territorial integrity and the wisdom to continue on their democratic, Euro-Atlantic path.

Na mnohiyi i blahiyi lita!

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!

U.S. Congressional Ukraine Caucus

The following statement was released on August 24 by the U.S. Congressional Ukraine Caucus on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s renewed independence.

On the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence, the Congressional Ukraine Caucus joins with the Ukrainian people and diaspora in celebration. In 1991, the world watched as subjugation and fear gave way to liberty and hope – providing a beacon of light for nations and peoples still shrouded in darkness. The progress undertaken since then has led to a prosperity and stability that has uplifted the Ukrainian people, and charted a path toward a brighter future. While the shadow of malign influence seeks to reverse this trajectory, the Congressional Ukraine Caucus remains steadfast in its commitment to preserving and strengthening Ukrainian security, and looks forward to celebrating Independence Day with all the generations to follow.

Members of U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee

The following statement was issued on August 24 by U.S. Sens. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), co-chair of the Senate Ukraine Caucus, Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), Ben Cardin (D-Md.), and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

This is an important milestone for Ukraine, marking three decades since an independent Ukraine rose from the ashes of the Soviet Union’s collapse. Over the years, Ukraine has faced immense challenges in its effort to build a more prosperous future for its people, from rooting out corruption to defending its territorial integrity against an increasingly aggressive Russia. Despite these struggles, the progress made in Ukraine on urgent governance reforms are undeniable, and we, a bipartisan group of lawmakers in the U.S. Senate, congratulate our partners for staying the course.

The U.S. stands in solidarity with Ukraine as it continues to build a democratic, accountable government that is responsive to the needs of its people. We join the rest of the free world in rejecting Russia’s territorial claim on Crimea and condemning their ongoing assault on Ukraine’s territorial integrity in the Donbas region. We are encouraged by President Zelenskyy’s commitment to continue pro-democratic measures that will empower Ukraine and facilitate its entry to NATO and the EU, which is in the best interests of Ukraine, our transatlantic community and U.S. national security. As Ukraine celebrates 30 years of independence, the U.S. reaffirms its support for our partners’ determination to ensure a free, democratic future for all its citizens.

Ukrainian Canadian Congress

The following statement was released by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress on August 24.

Today, the Ukrainian people and Ukrainians around the world celebrate the 30th anniversary of the renewal of Ukraine’s independence and statehood.


On August 24, 1991, Ukraine’s parliament, exercising the inviolable right of the Ukrainian people to self-determination, declared Ukraine an indivisible, democratic, independent state.

The history of Ukraine is defined by the Ukrainian people’s enduring faith in their right to live free in their own land, to choose their common destiny as a nation. That faith unites Ukrainians from Lutsk to Luhansk, from Sumy to Symferopil. Through centuries of foreign occupation and subjugation, that faith in freedom was never extinguished.

Today, the freedom of the Ukrainian people and Ukraine’s statehood is defended by the courageous men and women of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, who protect their country from Russia’s war of aggression. As we celebrate Ukraine’s independence, we pay tribute to those whose bravery and valor made it possible, and to those who safeguard that independence today. May God protect them.

As Ukrainian Canadians, we are proud of the leading role that Canada plays in supporting Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and in building a democratic and prosperous Ukraine. We thank the personnel of the Canadian Armed Forces, deployed to Ukraine on Operation UNIFIER, Canada’s military training mission in Ukraine, for their service to Canada and their commitment to the shared ideals of the Canadian and Ukrainian people.

Слава Україні! Героям Слава!

Greetings on the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s renewed independence!

The following abridged statement was released by the non-governmental organization Ukraine-2050 on August 24.

The non-governmental organization Ukraine-2050 extends greetings to the hierarchs and clergy of Ukrainian churches, the president, chair of the parliament, prime minister and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the leadership of the Ukrainian World Congress, all Ukrainians and friends of Ukraine worldwide on the 30th anniversary of Ukraine’s renewed Independence.

By regaining Ukraine’s independence, the Ukrainian people took control of both their land and destiny.

Thirty years later one can state with certainty that their future is only forward.

The Ukrainian people have understood their power, declared their choice determinedly and with their actions have demonstrated a very high level of national maturity and solidarity, a dedication to the principles of democracy and the ideal of freedom, as well as a responsibility for their future.

So on this anniversary we should thank the Almighty God for His extremely valuable gift of Ukraine’s renewed independence, and pray for all those who gave their lives for this long-awaited independence, as well as for Ukraine’s ability to fully recover and preserve its territorial integrity as soon as possible, including the temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas.

May this – our greatest national holiday – inspire every Ukrainian to believe in the better future of his people and to work even harder to further build the Ukrainian state, to which we are committed by the many Ukrainian heroes who have laid down their lives on the altar of freedom throughout our history.

Slava Ukraini! Heroiam slava!