March 18, 2016

Hilary Clinton’s statement on detention of Savchenko


Candidate for the Democratic Party’s nomination for president Hillary Clinton on March 10 released the following statement.

I join voices around the world in calling for the immediate release of Ukrainian politician and former air force officer Nadiya Savchenko from her illegal and unjust imprisonment in Russia.

Nadiya was captured by pro-Russia militias in eastern Ukraine in June 2014 and illegally transferred to Russia. She’s been held on trumped-up charges ever since. Russia should drop all charges and release her immediately. It should also meet all its commitments under the Minsk agreement to bring an end to the conflict in eastern Ukraine, which has left thousands dead and over 1.5 million people displaced.

I stand with Nadiya and the Ukrainian people, as I have always stood for the rights of women and all people suffering injustices worldwide.