February 28, 2015

Hold world leaders accountable for actions


Dear Editor:

Upon reading the coverage of the Gergiev protests, I was quite impressed with the evident level of organization and coordination that went into reproaching the orchestra leader for his publicly stated Putinist sympathies. So, I’m wondering if any activists in the Ukrainian community are planning demonstrations expressing these same sentiments against other individuals who seem to be enabling Putin’s aggressive actions in Ukraine: Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande, Barack Obama.

Certainly, Valery Gergiev’s words are enough to cause anger, but Ms. Merkel’s and Mr. Hollande›s actions in Minsk caused real damage as they provided the perfect smokescreen for the separatists to seize Debaltseve. Mr. Obama appears to be using inaction on the Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014 as his weapon of choice against Ukraine. His passivity towards repeated pleas from various leaders of Ukraine (not to mention his U.S. constituents) mocks the dignity of all those Ukrainians whose efforts and sacrifices created, and carry on, this recent revolution.

Holding an orchestra leader accountable for his words is appreciable. Holding world leaders accountable for their actions (or lack thereof) would be truly laudable.


Mertztown, Pa.