December 2, 2016

Holodomor Memorial in Washington site of requiem service for millions killed


Yaro Bihun

WASHINGTON – The commemoration at the Washington Holodomor Memorial on the 83rd anniversary of Joseph Stalin’s forced famine in Ukraine began with a requiem service led by Ukrainian Catholic and Orthodox priests for the millions who died during those tragic early 1930s. Paying his respects, Ukraine’s Ambassador to the U.S. Valeriy Chaly stressed that the world must never forget about this horrendous criminal mass murder of innocent people in Ukraine and ensure that such a tragedy never happens again anywhere in this world. After the lighting and placement of candles and bundles of wheat in front of the Holodomor Memorial, the mournful ceremony on that cold November 26 evening was concluded by those attending singing “Bozhe Velykyi Yedynyi.” – Yaro Bihun