December 7, 2018

Holodomor services held in Kansas


Michael Glywa

OVERLAND PARK, Kansas – On Saturday, November 24, Father Tim Sawchak solemnly officiated at a panakhyda (requiem service) in English and Church Slavonic attended by members of the Ukrainian Club, the Ukrainian diaspora and friends gathered at Holy Trinity Church in Overland Park, Kansas, in acknowledgement of the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor that starved to death over 4 million innocent men, women and children in 1932-1933. Vera Glywa (photo on the left) read a letter to the gathered from the Ukraine’s consul general in Chicago, Larysa Gerasko, who reminded us not to live in denial and work towards the eradication of genocides of all peoples. She also stated that the loss of millions of lives in the Holodomor-Genocide must not be in vain and it is our obligation to lead in the pursuit of peace, justice and freedom.