February 17, 2017

House resolution calls on Russia to stop the violence in eastern Ukraine


The co-chairs of Congressional Ukrainian Caucus – Reps. Sander Levin (D-Mich.), Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.), and Andy Harris (R-Md.) – have sponsored a resolution (H. Res. 88) in the U.S. House of Representatives calling on the Russian Federation to stop the violence in eastern Ukraine. H. Res. 88 calls upon the Russian Federation to stop the violence and cease aiding the “separatists”; honor the Minsk ceasefire agreement; withdraw military weaponry from Ukraine; and repair Ukraine’s infrastructure damaged in the war.

The resolution also expresses the sense of Congress that additional sanctions might be imposed upon Russia should the violence not subside; calls on the United States and other NATO countries to provide more defensive military support for Ukraine in fighting off Russian aggression; and calls on the United States and the United Nations and its constituent agencies to provide more support for the 1.7 million internally displaced people in Ukraine.

The resolution has been referred to the House Foreign Affairs Committee and is expected to be reviewed by the committee. Your advocacy is needed to show support for Ukraine and advance this resolution.

How can you help?

Contact your representative’s office and request that your elected official co-sponsor H. Res. 88, “Calling on the Russian Federation to stop the violence in Ukraine, and for other purposes.”

1) Your representative can be contacted via the U.S. House of Representatives website at www.house.gov.

2) Call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask the operator to connect you to your representative’s office.

3) Tweet your representative.

Should you have any questions or comments, contact the Ukrainian National Information Service at 202-547-0018 or [email protected].