February 19, 2016

iDonate helps Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation reap big rewards


CHICAGO – Dallas-based iDonate works with small foundations nationwide to convert donor “stuff” into cash donations. Profits realized through the sale of vehicles, real estate, electronics and other items that donors no longer need help a small foundation more quickly meet fund-raising goals.

The Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation (UCEF) in Chicago, which has been partnered with iDonate for only a few months, has already seen the power of the process. With just one appeal, the foundation, which supports the Ukrainian Catholic University in Ukraine, received an offer, among others, of an older model Mercedes-Benz. “In the past,” noted Nelson Bosacoma, chief financial officer of UCEF, “such a generous offer would have put us in a quandary.”

Now iDonate will take care of the entire process, starting with online or telephone contact initiated by the donor, then shipping and liquidation. UCEF will receive the majority of the value of the liquidation, and the donor receives 100 percent credit for a tax-deductible donation.

“iDonate is a huge enabler to a small foundation like ours. It allows us to receive non-cash donations, physical goods, and, through the iDonate platform, convert these into cash, without putting the burden of the process on the shoulders of our small staff,” continued Mr. Bosacoma.

Alex Kuzma, UCEF director of development, underscores the ease of the process. “Many of our older donors have a small vacation home, or a second car, valuable jewelry, china, silverware that their children do not want. Managing the sale and transfer of such assets is often a burden. With iDonate, their burden becomes our asset. They support the university and make their lives easier at the same time. This program is open to all.”

The Ukrainian Catholic University educates leaders for Church and society to serve in Ukraine, the United States and other countries. In addition to its established liberal-arts programs and business school, the university is opening a new Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine to address the needs of soldiers and civilians wounded in the current conflict in the eastern regions of Ukraine. UCEF has been helping support the university’s mission since 1997.

For more information about UCEF’s iDonate program, readers may visit http://ucef.org/make-a-gift or call 773-235-8462, extension 104.