October 9, 2020

I’m for the same justice for all


Dear Editor:

Writing in his column titled “Count me out” (August 2), Dr. Myron Kuropas made statements that I strongly disagree with.

I do agree with a few of his points, such as “I do not want our police to be defunded, I want police unions to stop protecting bad cops,” but in addition I support prosecuting bad cops, because nothing will change if they can choke and shoot people in the back and just get a slap on the hand.

I do not support the desecration of monuments of George Washington and other great Americans. I condemn the spray painting of St. Patrick’s Cathedral and the Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art. I also condemn the burning and looting of local business of people who have no involvement in or influence on government policies. I refuse to apologize for my whiteness.

Dr. Kuropas knows that there were causes for revolution in Russia and France. People were oppressed to the breaking point by their governments. We had our own American Revolution and the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity for different reasons with different results.

I am very much against the arson and looting, but I am also very much for the same justice for all.

Dr. Kuropas talks about the insidious domestic enemy. I fear the insidious foreign enemy Vladimir Putin and his KGB, who are destroying American democracy.

Alla Lehky Heretz
Rutherford, N.J.