January 7, 2016

“Immigration” or illegal invasion?


Dear Editor:

Our home has been violated, unlawfully entered. Columnist Andrew Fedynsky (October 25, 2015) suggests we should welcome and reward these criminal perpetrators – let them stay. Shame on us if we do not agree to accept and enable such behavior. The rule of law be damned. Shameless is too kind a word to describe his sanctimonious whining and berating of those who dare to disagree with him.

Ignorance is not bliss. The 2006 INS/FBI Statistical Report on Undocumented Immigrants exposes the lie of so-called “contributions” illegals make and the tragic cost to America.

Despite growing pains, America is an amazing “miracle” of liberty and freedom with open arms accepting millions of legal immigrants. There is a rational lawful answer for these criminal invaders (“fine folks” as President Barack Obama calls them). Show America the respect it deserves – pack your bags and just leave. Only when granted legal entry have you earned the right to enjoy the fruits of freedom in the light of day. Failing to leave voluntarily, you remain outlaws lurking in the shadows and should be arrested, deserving nothing more than scorn from the millions of immigrants who entered lawfully, assimilated and became proud Americans.

The rule of law matters. Our security matters. America matters.
