June 12, 2015

 ‘Inconceivable’ for Russia to rejoin G-7


BERLIN – German Chancellor Angela Merkel has once again said it is “inconceivable” for Russia to rejoin the Group of Seven (G-7) economic powers after its annexation of Crimea. “Russian participation at the moment is inconceivable. The G-7 is a group of states that share values like democracy and the rule of law,” she said in an interview with Germany’s Deutsche Presse-Agentur news agency. “Our principles include the fact that we defend international law and the inviolability of national borders, because they form the basis of our world order. By contrast, Russia’s annexation of Crimea was an infringement of international law.” Ms. Merkel said Russia can continue to participate in global economic decisions through the broader G-20, which includes developing countries like China and India that have large economies but are not fully industrialized. “We cannot solve certain conflicts at all, such as the one in Syria, without Russia. For that reason I maintain regular contact with [President] Vladimir Putin,” she said. (RFE/RL, based on reporting by Deutsche Presse-Agentur)