September 25, 2020

‘Joe Biden: Ukraine’s outstanding friend.’ Really?


Dear Editor:

Regarding the column by Orest Deycha­kiw­sky (issue dated August 30/September 6), in the past there may have been good reasons to support the Democratic Party, but as I see it, not anymore. Sure, John F. Kennedy, a Democrat, put a man on the moon, but Barack Obama put a man in a female bathroom. JFK told Russians to go home when they came close to Cuba with their nuclear missiles, while Mr. Obama canceled the nuclear bases in Europe that were intended to hold the Russian aggressor at bay.

Mr. Biden is trying to institute a third Obama term. To Mr. Biden, China is a friend. Really? And, is Biden a friend of Ukraine when there are reports of him interfering in the investigation of corruption in Ukraine?

Democrats are globalists and are hell-bent on destroying America, aborting the unborn and unleashing disasters like COVID-19 on the elderly. Mr. Biden is a puppet of the extreme leftists, hell-bent on ushering in Marxism and communism.

The Democratic leadership, for months, could not even bring themselves to acknowledge that America is on fire, let alone condemn these radical left-wing terrorists. The democrats do not consider these demonstrations for what they are – a violent, rioting, liberal mob. And why should they, when they inspire and promote this anarchy?

Stefan Semchyshyn M.D., M.B.A.
Jonesborough, Tenn.