April 1, 2016

Kasich supports Ukraine


“And by the way, I heard – I just heard briefly somebody was saying that we should just ignore Ukraine. Are you kidding me? The United States of America should be arming the Ukrainians who want to fight for freedom against Putin. We should be arming them… with lethal defensive aid.”

Those were the words of Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, a candidate for the Republican Party’s nomination for president, at the March 30 town hall meeting hosted by CNN in Milwaukee. He was reacting to a statement made earlier during that event by Donald J. Trump.

Mr. Trump had said: “The United States cannot afford to be the policemen of the world anymore, folks. We have to rebuild our own country. We have to stop with this stuff. You have as an example, Ukraine. You don’t have Germany talking about Ukraine. You don’t have many of the countries in NATO talking about – it’s always us. We’re always the first one out.”

Previously, at a March 2 appearance at the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Warren, Mich., the candidate released a white paper detailing “U.S. Policy Towards Ukraine under a Kasich Administration.” Among other things, the release noted the following:

“Under President Kasich:

“• The U.S. will not recognize Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

“• We will condemn Russia’s imperialism and destabilization of its neighbors.

“• We will provide Ukraine the lethal defensive weapons needed to defend itself.

“• All parties should fulfill their obligations of the Minsk protocols: strict observance of the ceasefire by both sides; withdrawal of all foreign [Russian] military units, equipment and mercenaries; restore Ukrainian control over the border with Russia; agreement on procedures for elections in Donbass [sic] under Ukrainian law. …”