March 26, 2015

On TV, police detain top officials


KYIV – Ukrainian police interrupted a March 25 government session being broadcast live on television and detained Emergency Situations Service head Serhiy Bochkovskiy and his deputy Vasyl Stoyetskiy, leading both officials away in handcuffs. Internal Affairs Minister Arsen Avakov said the two were being investigated on suspicion of corruption connected to offshore companies. Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk suggested the men had undermined Ukraine amid economic troubles and a conflict with Russian-backed separatists. “When the country is at war and when we are counting every penny, they steal from people and the state,” Mr. Yatsenyuk said, adding, “This will happen to everyone who breaks the law and sneers at the Ukrainian state.” He tweeted images of the detentions. (RFE/RL, with reporting by Reuters and TASS)