January 21, 2017

Launch of “No Free Man” held in Toronto


Dr. Bohdan Kordan signs a copy of his new book for an attendee, as Marijka Stadnyk, vice-president of the Toronto branch of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, looks on.


TORONTO – A book launch was held in Toronto on November 17, 2016, to introduce the newly published book by Prof. Bohdan Kordan, “No Free Man: Canada, the Great War, and the Enemy Alien Experience.”

Organized by McGill-Queen’s University Press, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Toronto Branch, and the Shevchenko Scientific Society, the launch was the first in eastern Canada. Attendees had the opportunity to hear about many aspects of the internment of Ukrainians and other Eastern Europeans during the period 1914-1920.

The evening commenced with a welcome from Shevchenko Scientific Society President Dr. Daria Darewych. Dr. Marta Dyczok introduced the author.

Dr. Kordan began his presentation with an explanation of his approach to the subject of internment and, in general, civil rights. This was followed by readings from several sections of the book that demonstrated the desperate and unjust situation of the internees held in 24 camps accross Canada.

Dr. Bohdan Kordan

Dr. Bohdan Kordan

Following the presentation, Dr. Kordan responded to many questions from the audience.

UCC Toronto Vice-President Marijka Stadnyk thanked the author for his very lively and informative presentation, and extended gratitude to the attendees for supporting this important book.

The book has been published with the help of a grant from the Canada Federation for the Humanities and the Social Sciences Council of Canada, as well as a grant from the First World War Internment Recognition Fund (www.internmentcanada.ca). Funding has also been received from the Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies, the University of Saskatchewan Publications Fund and the St. Thomas Moore College Publications Fund.

“No Free Man” is available in hard cover (284 pages of text with 96 pages of extensive detailed footnotes) for $39.95 by contacting the UCC Toronto Branch at 416-323-4772 or [email protected], the Shevchenko Society at [email protected] or the Ukrainian National Federation of Toronto Branch Library at [email protected] or 416-925-2770.

Upcoming presentations of this book will be held in January through March in Edmonton and Calgary, Alberta, Winnipeg, Manitoba; Victoria, British Columbia; Ottawa; and Montreal.