May 3, 2019

Learn bandura or choral music at Kobzarska Sich


Oleh Sozansky

Kobzarska Sich singers and instrumentalists rehearse their concert pieces at the All Saints Campground in Emlenton, Pa.

This August, the bandura community celebrates the 40th anniversary of Kobzarska Sich camp (K.S.) in Emlenton, Pa. For two weeks every August, KS has trained two generations of bandurists and singers from across the globe. 

Two legendary musicians will lead the 40th anniversary camp: Julian Kytasty and Oleh Mahlay. Mr. Kytasty is the artistic director of the Canadian Bandurist Capella; Mr. Mahlay serves as the artistic director of the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus of North America. Nadia Tarnawska leads the Choral Workshop. A Fulbright Scholar, Ms. Tarnawsky has studied and taught Eastern European singing techniques for three decades. It’s our privilege to give students an opportunity to study with such incredible musicians.

As Sich enters a new era, we’re improving and diversifying the program. In our course-based structure, every day campers will have two to three periods of core (i.e., bandura or choral) instruction and two to three periods of elective courses. 

Before arriving, campers will pick the subjects they’ll be interested in learning. Have you wanted to learn how to arrange music for voice and bandura? Or are you more interested in learning the basics of sound engineering? Perhaps conducting or composing is your thing. At KS 2019, these (and more) will be offered as week-long elective courses.

The Bandura Course – our flagship program – gives campers an opportunity to work with top-level bandura instructors from around the world. Second to none in its breadth and depth, the two-week bandura course allows campers to learn bandura basics or to hone their skills, while also developing their other interests with elective courses. The bandura course is open to adults and kids age 11 or older; it takes place August 4-17. 

The Choral Workshop (August 11-17) teaches solo and ensemble singing in the Ukrainian choral tradition. Participants will have the opportunity to broaden their musical knowledge with music listening lectures. We will also have dedicated vocal coaches on hand to help develop participants’ voices.

The Sacred Music Workshop (August 7-11) reviews the rich history of Ukrainian liturgical and religious music, focusing on selections from a wide repertoire of church music, especially those pieces normally not sung in the average parish setting. Participants learn basic chanting technique, and some will have the opportunity for conducting coaching. The Choral Workshop and the Sacred Music Workshop are open to older teenagers and adults of all ages.

KS is held at All Saints Ukrainian Orthodox Camp in Emlenton, Pa. All Saints offers over 90 acres of pristine beauty in the Allegheny Mountains. The camp’s facilities include volleyball courts, a swimming pool, 10 cabins for participants, a Millennium Cultural Center with housing and classrooms, and exquisite nature trails. 

KS offers multiple scholarships through the generosity of the Ivan Zinchuk Memorial Scholarship Fund at the Ukrainian Canadian Foundation of Taras Shevchenko, the Volodymyr and Vera Murha Scholarship Fund, the Eugene Ciura and Stefania Krislaty scholarship funds, the Michele Schidowka Memorial Scholarship Fund, as well as from private donor support. Scholarship requests must be received by June 15.

Interested participants are encouraged to enroll early to ensure placement. For more information about bandura rental and scholarship requirements, or to fill out a registration package, visit the website at, call 248-225-2913, or e-mail [email protected].