February 20, 2015

Lysenko: OSCE observers threatened


KYIV – A “Donetsk People’s Republic” commander at the militant-held checkpoint in the Kyivsky district in Donetsk on February 22 threatened to kill observers of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), a Ukrainian military spokesman reported. A report by the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) in Ukraine also stated that the SMM unmanned aerial vehicle used to monitor compliance with the Minsk package in the environs of Donetsk airport was consistently jammed. “Insurgents used the means of electronic warfare to impede the work of international observers. This showed, once again, how pro-Russian militants violated international law and the Minsk agreements,” said Col. Andriy Lysenko, spokesperson for the Anti-Terrorist Operation, at a press briefing at the Ukraine Crisis Media Center in Kyiv. (Ukraine Crisis Media Center)