October 2, 1983

Media reports on famine. XI


Star-Ledger notes October 2 events

JERSEY CITY N.J. – The Star-Ledger, the largest and foremost newspaper in the state of New Jersey, carried an article about the 50th anniversary commemorations of the Great Famine to be held in Washington on Sunday, October 2.

In its Wednesday, September 28, issue, the newspaper printed an article by Gabriel H. Gluck, headlined: “2,000 Jersey Ukrainians to join rally marking Soviet ‘genocide.'” The article stated that at 10 a.m. on Sunday the participants will gather in front of the Washington Monument for an ecumenical service.

William Bahrey of Scotch Plains, N.J., a member of the National Committee to Commemorate Genocide Victims in Ukraine told the reporter: “Organizers hope the demonstrations will awaken Americans and expose the leaders of the USSR for what they are. The downing of Korean Airlines flight 007, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the invasion of Ukraine in 1918 and invasions of satellite countries such as Hungary and Poland, all show the Soviet’s inhumane mold,” he said.

Daily News cites memorial observances

NEW YORK – The Wednesday, September 28, edition of the New York Daily News carried the following news item about the Great Famine.

“Americans of Ukrainian descent began a week’s commemoration yesterday of the 50th anniversary of what they call one of the history’s overlooked brutalities, the Soviet Union’s deliberately provoked famine in 1932-33 in their homeland in which millions starved to death.”

The news story was made available by the Associated Press wire service, which transmits stories throughout the world.

The Ukrainian Weekly, October 2, 1983, No. 40, Vol. LI