February 4, 2021

More betrayals of Ukraine should be noted


Dear Editor:

Jaroslaw Martyniuk listed three, potentially four, Western betrayals of Ukraine. He went on to explain that by Western, he really meant President Barrack Obama’s, now Joe Biden’s betrayal of Ukraine.

He skips over the betrayal of the last four years. This list is infinitely longer and more sinister than the four examples cited.

If Mr. Martyniuk is serious about exposing betrayal, he should have mentioned Paul Manafort’s and numerous friends’ continuous roles in collaborating with Russian intelligence. He should have mentioned Donald Trump’s meeting in the Oval Office with Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, where only Russians were present, including a Russian photographer. Let’s not forget the numerous secret phone conversations between Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin, with no transcripts provided on America’s part.

Mr. Martyniuk also overlooked the harassment and expulsion of U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovich because she refused to wrongfully implicate Mr. Biden in a scandal. In addition, numerous U.S. officials were expelled during the Trump administration for not giving in to Mr. Trump’s manipulations and lies. And there was no mention of that infamous phone call between Mr. Trump and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, which led to Mr. Trump’s first impeachment.

Why would he have left out so many important examples of Mr. Trump betraying Ukraine? Does Mr. Martyniuk feel these events are inconsequential or does he support Mr. Trump’s actions toward Ukraine and therefore sees no reason to mention them?
In either case, Russia is the winner here.
