March 12, 2015

More individuals, entities sanctioned


WASHINGTON – The United States has issued a new list of individuals and entities to be sanctioned over Russia’s interference in Ukraine, including Kremlin-connected nationalist ideologue Aleksandr Dugin and former Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov. The Treasury Department on March 11 also sanctioned a bank in Crimea – the Russian National Commercial Bank – two other former officials from the government of ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, eight Ukrainian “separatists,” and two other leaders of Mr. Dugin’s Eurasian Youth Union. Any U.S. property held by those individuals is frozen, and U.S. citizens are prohibited from doing business with them. The United States took the action to “hold accountable those responsible for violations of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.” Russian FSB chief Aleksandr Bortnikov, who has been targeted by sanctions in the European Union and Canada, was not on the list of individuals targeted by the Treasury Department in this latest round of sanctions. (RFE/RL)