October 16, 2015

NATO deputies pass ‘Solidarity with Ukraine’ resolution


STAVANGER, Norway – The NATO Parliamentary Assembly on October 12 passed Resolution No. 422 on Solidarity with Ukraine, calling on the Allied governments and parliaments to redouble efforts to help Ukraine at this critical juncture by increasing diplomatic, political, financial, economic, material and expert assistance.

“The Assembly urges member governments and parliaments of the North Atlantic Alliance to redouble efforts to help Ukraine at this critical juncture by increasing diplomatic, political, financial, economic, material and expert assistance both bilaterally and through bodies such as NATO, the European Union and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly,” the resolution reads.

It also calls on the Allies to maintain political, diplomatic and economic pressure on Russia until Moscow fully implements its commitments under the Minsk agreements, convincingly demonstrates that it is willing to abide by international law and ends the occupation of Ukrainian territories, including Crimea.

The Parliamentary Assembly also urged the NATO nations “to press Russia and separatist forces to lift all restrictions on the ability of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine to access areas of eastern Ukraine, including areas along the border with Russia, and report fully all relevant observations; to encourage and support direct talks between Russian and Ukrainian representatives with the participation of international mediators in order to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.”

In addition, the Parliamentary Assembly called on democratically elected Ukrainian politicians to continue to demonstrate the moderation and determination necessary to build an inclusive and tolerant society, and to establish the highest standards possible in matters of political, economic and judicial governance, and, in particular, to tackle resolutely the problem of corruption.

The resolution was presented by the Economics and Security Committee and adopted by the NATO’s body’s annual plenary sitting, this year held in Stavanger, Norway, on October 12.

NATO Parliamentary Assembly resolutions are political statements and are not formally binding, but they are taken into account by the NATO member states.