March 12, 2015

NATO says Russia ‘still in Ukraine’


MONS, Belgium – NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has said that “Russia is still in Ukraine” and urged Moscow to withdraw all its forces and to end its support for separatists in eastern Ukraine. Mr. Stoltenberg said on March 11 that NATO “has seen and still sees a strong Russian presence and strong support for separatist forces in eastern Ukraine.” U.S. General Philip Breedlove, the supreme allied commander of NATO troops, said at the same press conference in Mons, Belgium, that the alliance has “seen some success” with a ceasefire deal agreed in Minsk last month that has greatly reduced fighting and led to the withdrawal of some heavy weapons. But Gen. Breedlove said it was “difficult to know” where the heavy weapons moved from the front line have been taken. He added that the border between Russia and much of eastern Ukraine was wide open, making it difficult to monitor and hard to determine how many Russian troops are in Ukraine. Gen. Breedlove said it was imperative that monitors from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) be given full access and freedom of movement in eastern Ukraine to verify the withdrawal of heavy weapons. Mr. Stoltenberg said that the “monitoring of the ceasefire is in no way sufficient today.” (RFE/RL)