February 7, 2020

New By-Laws of the UNA are approved

To Members of the Ukrainian National Association:

We now have the results of the votes on the proposed amendments to the Ukrainian National Association’s Charter and By-Laws. A total of 70 ballots were mailed out to all Delegates to the last UNA Convention, held in May 2018, as well as to current members of the UNA General Assembly and honorary members of the General Assembly.

The official counting of the ballots was performed on Monday, January 27, at the UNA Home Office by a third party, the Tabatchouk Law Firm. As chair of the Audit Committee, I was present to validate the counting of the votes.

The official results are:

YES – 63

NO – 2

One ballot was returned without making a selection; four ballots were not returned.

Therefore, the proposed amendments have been PASSED and will be effective as of January 31, 2020. The current General Assembly will remain in their elected positions until the UNA’s next Convention, slated to take place in 2022.


Luba Walchuk
Chair, UNA Audit Committee