February 24, 2017

NEW RELEASE: Children’s book of “Stories for Every Season”


In this book, Christine R. Shwed, UNWLA Education Committee chair for 2005-2011, compiled, arranged and designed a collection of original enchanting stories based on Ukrainian folk tales and traditions, as well as follow-up exercises/activities developed to promote language and other learning skills.

These stories were originally used to enrich the curriculum of UNWLA’s branch-run “svitlychky” (preschools) with new and lively materials. Besides providing good stories, these tales also taught important educational skills to young children.

According to Ms. Shwed, “The stories and exercises in this book help children acquire a higher order of thinking skills and further develop their innate creativity through storytelling. The materials presented can also be used to teach a number of different skills taught in preschool, such as colors, numbers, counting, animals and birds, fruits and vegetables, the universe, body parts, feelings and friendship. They also show and promote our beautiful Ukrainian traditions.”

The stories were written by various authors, which were previously featured in the UNWLA’s monthly magazine Our Life and in Veselka published by the Ukrainian National Association between 1954 and 1995.

Some of the authors of these stories were Hanna Chornobytska, Ivan Kernytsky, Nina Mudryk-Mrytz, Nina Narkevych, Roman Zavadovych and Ivanna Savytska, to name just a few. They wrote these delightful tales between 1944 through 1972 to entertain and instruct children of Ukrainians who were displaced from their homeland after World War II. It was a way to instill Ukrainian traditions in their children.

Ms. Shwed designed the colorful pages and brought the tales to life again by enticing young children to look and read. Now these stories, which are written in Ukrainian, are available in a book for youngsters to enjoy with their parents, grandparents and friends. It’s a collector’s item to be enjoyed and valued for years to come.

For a donation of $15 to UNWLA Branch 88, recipients will receive a copy of “Stories for Every Season” in appreciation. All proceeds from this will be donated to anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine to help orphans and families affected by the aggression of Russian invaders on Ukrainian lands.

If interested, readers may mail checks made payable to UNWLA Branch 88, in the amount of $19 ($15 for donation to ATO and $4 for shipping costs) to: UNWLA Branch 88, c/o Olya Jakubowska, 711 East Marwood Road, Philadelphia, PA 19120. For more information, call Ulana Prociuk at 215-235-3709 (evenings).