May 22, 2015

No visa liberalization for Ukraine, Georgia 


BRUSSELS – The EU Commission has said neither Georgia nor Ukraine would obtain visa-free travel to the European Union’s Schengen zone at the Riga Eastern Partnership Summit later this month. Speaking in Brussels on May 8 after the EU Commission published its annual visa report on both countries, the spokeswoman for home affairs, Natasha Bertaud, said the commission was “aware” Georgia and Ukraine had expressed a desire for visa-free status at the summit, but this was “very ambitious in terms of timing.” She said the commission was willing to move forward the next report to the end of 2015, provided progress is made. The report stated both Ukraine and Georgia need to do more to implement legislation in areas like anti-corruption and human trafficking. Georgia was urged to do more to tackle the trafficking of drugs, whereas Brussels urged Ukraine to step up laws concerning organized crime and discrimination. Moldova received visa liberalization in 2014 and remains the only one of the six Eastern Partnership countries to achieve this status. (RFE/RL, based on reporting by Rikard Jozwiak in Brussels)