June 12, 2015

Obama accuses Putin of seeking glory


SCHLOSS ELMAU, Germany – U.S. President Barack Obama has accused President Vladimir Putin of wrecking Russia’s economy in a doomed drive to re-create the glories of the Soviet empire. In some of the strongest rhetoric to come out of the Group of Seven summit, Mr. Obama told a news conference in Bavaria, Germany, that the Russian people were suffering severely because of Mr. Putin, who was not present with other world leaders because he was ousted from the exclusive club of economic powers after Russia’s takeover of Crimea last year. “As we’ve seen again in recent days, Russian forces continue to operate in eastern Ukraine, violating Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Mr. Obama said. “Russia is in deep recession. So Russia’s actions in Ukraine are hurting Russia and hurting the Russian people,” he said. “Ultimately, this is going to be an issue for Mr. Putin. He’s got to make a decision. …Does he continue to wreck his country’s economy and continue Russia’s isolation in pursuit of a wrong-headed desire to re-create the glories of the Soviet empire, or does he recognize that Russia’s greatness does not depend on violating the territorial integrity and sovereignty of other countries?” More sanctions will be the consequence if Mr. Putin chooses to continue his current course, Mr. Obama said. “If Russia, working through separatists, doubles down on aggression inside of Ukraine,” then the United States and European Union will increase their sanctions, he said. A communiqué issued by the G-7 said that the broad economic sanctions already in place will continue until the Minsk ceasefire accords signed between the Ukrainian government and pro-Russian rebels are fully implemented. “We expect Russia to stop trans-border support of separatist forces and to use its considerable influence over the separatists,” the declaration said. (RFE/RL, with reporting by Reuters, Deutsche Presse-Agentur and Agence France-Presse)