October 28, 2016

October 29, 2003


Thirteen years ago, on October 29, 2003, Ukrainian communities across the United States answered the call put forth by the Ukrainian World Congress to protest against Russia’s latest violation of Ukrainian sovereignty – the building of a dam from the Russian mainland to Tuzla Island in the Kerch Strait of the Black Sea.

In Chicago, more than 300 people demonstrated at Daley Plaza at a protest that was organized by the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America. UCCA Illinois Division President Orest Baranyk said the demonstration had a three-fold aim: “to condemn Russia’s effort to land-grab Ukraine’s Tuzla Island as well as Moscow’s threat to “use bombs” against Ukraine; to demand that the U.S. vehemently protest Moscow’s threat, particularly since America gave Ukraine assurances in 1992 that it would protect Ukraine’s territorial sovereignty in return for Ukraine giving up its nuclear weapons to Russia; and to reinforce Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Kostyantyn Gryschenko in his meeting with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov in Kyiv on October 30.

In New York City, protesters, including students of St. George Ukrainian Catholic School, members of the Ukrainian American Youth Association, Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization, the UCCA and the Organization for the Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine gathered at the Russian Mission to the United Nations.

In Washington, a protest was held in front of the Embassy of the Russian Federation, with the aim of highlighting attention on Russia’s continued aggressive policies against Ukraine. UCCA President Michael Sawkiw Jr. said the protest was an opportunity to “express indignation at the Russian Federation’s policy toward Ukraine, but also demonstrate that the Ukrainian community, particularly in the United States, is carefully following these events and calls upon the U.S. government to condemn Russian aggression on the territory of Ukraine.”

The UCCA launched an initiative to strengthen the Ukrainian community’s contacts with their respective members of Congress, and to keep them informed of the community’s concerns in light of an aggressive Russia.

Source: “Ukrainians in the United States protest Russian actions near Tuzla Island, Ukraine,” November 9, 2003.