October 4, 2018

October 6, 1978


On October 6, 1978, The Ukrainian Weekly celebrated the 45th anniversary of its founding in 1933. An editorial at the time noted the changes that the newspaper had undergone in those 45 years.

The editorial noted: “…While initially designed as a newspaper for Ukrainian American youth, The Weekly has since then not only continued to inform the younger generations of Ukrainian Americans, but those who were students 45 years ago, those who grew up with The Weekly, as well as non-Ukrainians. It is a tribute to the wisdom and foresight of the Ukrainian National Association in deciding to publish an English-language Ukrainian newspaper to preserve our identity here and to tell Ukraine’s story to the non-Ukrainian world.

“With its articles, on Ukrainian life in America, translations of major Ukrainian-language works and reports of the human rights movement in Ukraine, The Weekly saved possibly three generations of Ukrainians from alienation. With the destruction of Ukrainianism by the Kremlin in Ukraine today, that task of keeping our people here aware of their spiritual heritage is of utmost importance.

“Over the years, The Weekly has also undergone many changes in appearances. From a full-size four-page paper, set in hot lead and printed on a letterhead press, The Weekly, thanks to investments by the UNA, has been converted into a 16-page tabloid that is printed on some of the most modern printing equipment in existence.”

Looking to the future, “As The Weekly draws closer to its 50th anniversary, it will continue to offer the best service to its readers, to our community and to our people in Ukraine.”

The Weekly’s editorial thanked the support of its readers and assistance it receives from the UNA, which it said without them, “all of this progress would have been impossible.”

Five years later, in a letter dated October 19, 1983, the UNA Supreme Executive Committee congratulated The Ukrainian Weekly on its 50th anniversary.

The letter noted the work of the newspaper’s founding editor, Stephen Shumeyko, as well as his role as the first president of the Ukrainian Congress Committee.

The letter, which was published in the October 23 issue, stated: “…The Ukrainian Weekly can be justly proud of its past service to the Ukrainian American community which you and your staff are proudly continuing and enhancing. More recently, your reporting the trials and tribulations of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group, the arrests and imprisonment of Ukrainian fighters for human and national rights, the Great Ukrainian Famine of 1932-1933 and all other subjects of interest and concern to Ukrainian and Ukrainian Americans, bears witness to the high quality of the content of The Ukrainian Weekly.

“The Supreme Executive Committee is justly proud of your editorial work and accomplishments and extends its heartfelt wishes to you and to your staff for further and greater accomplishments in the future accruing to the benefit of the Ukrainian National Association, the Ukrainian American community and the Ukrainian cause.

“Mnohaya Lita to The Ukrainian Weekly and its editorial staff.”

Sources: “The Weekly’s 45th,” “Re: The Weekly’s jubilee,” The Ukrainian Weekly, October 1, 1978, October 23, 1983.