June 12, 2015

On Russia’s ongoing violations in Ukraine


Following are excerpts of the statement delivered by U.S. Ambassador Daniel B. Baer to the Permanent Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), meeting in Vienna on June 4.

…The United States believes in dialogue and engagement as a central and primary approach to problem solving. Dialogue must be more than an exchange of words – it must be an exchange of words in good faith, with an intent to solve problems, and that connects credibly to action.

There are at least two kinds of dishonesty that are attacks on dialogue – and often fatal to the potential of dialogue to produce solutions. First there is dishonesty of the familiar kind – untrue statements or efforts to purposefully mislead partners. The second kind is saying that you will do something, and then failing to do so or taking a different action.

Both of these kinds of dishonesty undermine the potential of dialogue. Both of these kinds of dishonesty destroy trust. Both of these kinds of dishonesty reflect a lack of respect for dialogue partners.

Mr. Chair, as I said, we were saddened to learn of new attacks carried out by combined Russian-separatist forces on June 3 just outside of Donetsk city in Pisky, Luhansk and Maryinka. Combined Russian-separatist forces reportedly amassed over 1,000 personnel and 20 tanks in this area. The Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) observed combined Russian-separatist forces using battle tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, multiple rocket launch rocket systems and Grad rockets. The Ukrainian military sent a message of regret to the SMM that in order to defend themselves they would need to move weapons toward the line of contact to respond to this attack by combined Russian-separatist forces. The SMM reported that its attempts to contact several “leaders” of the so-called “Donetsk People’s Republic” to facilitate a ceasefire were rebuffed. A ceasefire was eventually in place by nightfall, but the situation remains tense.

Mr. Chair, colleagues, while such a blatant attempt to change the facts on the ground in eastern Ukraine is shockingly brazen, it should not come as a complete surprise considering that Russia continues to foment instability in eastern Ukraine by providing the separatists with weapons, material and manpower. …As we have pointed out before, thanks to massive supply of men and weapons from the Russian Federation, the separatists have a larger military force than some NATO members.

The attack by combined Russian-separatist forces outside of Donetsk city was not the only disheartening news we received yesterday. We were disappointed by the report that the Trilateral Control Group had to be postponed after a Russian walk-out over the status of the separatists. …Russia’s insistence on focusing on the status of the separatists is to the detriment of the Trilateral Contact Group’s efforts to find a peaceful solution to the crisis in Ukraine and raises questions about Russia’s commitment to the implementation of the Minsk agreements.

Let’s recap what a disappointing recent two weeks we’ve had:

• We’ve had Russian military captured on the territory of Ukraine.

• We’ve had Russian vehicles and fighters with Russian military insignia reported in SMM reports.

• We’ve had multiple open source reports of vehicles and weapons moving inside Russia toward Ukraine.

• And later, we’ve had reports of similar weapons and vehicles being used by combined Russian and separatist forces inside Ukraine.

• We’ve had Russian obstructionism of the Trilateral Contact Group.

• We’ve had a new large-scale Russian-separatist attack on Ukraine including at Maryinka yesterday, needlessly costing more lives.

When Russia says one thing in dialogue and does another, when it claims to want peace but pursues conflict, it undermines efforts to find a political solution. The combination of Russia’s unconstructive behavior in Minsk and its ongoing participation in violent attacks in Ukraine makes it challenging for those of us who have hope – and who have hoped – for a political solution, to believe that Russia is serious. …

Peaceful resolution of the violence in eastern Ukraine depends on the full implementation of the Minsk agreements. Russia bears direct responsibility for preventing attacks and implementing a ceasefire. Russia must release all hostages, including Nadiya Savchenko and Oleg Sentsov. Russia must fulfill its commitment to cease arming, training, and equipping separatists inside Ukraine. Russia must allow the SMM access to monitor the entire international border, and restore Ukrainian sovereignty over that border. And, finally, Russia must withdraw all Russian forces from Ukrainian territory, respect Ukraine’s sovereignty, and end its occupation of Crimea.

Russia must live up to its commitments or face additional costs for its ongoing violations of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.