August 31, 2018

On the 27th anniversary of the independence of Ukraine


Ukrainian World Congress

The following statement was released by the Ukrainian World Congress on August 22.

As Ukrainians worldwide unite in spirit on August 24 to commemorate the 27th anniversary of the reestablishment of the Ukrainian state, we celebrate achievements while reflecting on the challenges facing the Ukrainian people on the road to full integration into the Euro-Atlantic community.

August 24, 1991, marked the beginning of the consolidation of the independence of Ukraine and its development into a democratic, economically viable and prosperous state that would always secure the right of future generations of Ukrainians to live freely on their own land and be a strong member of the international community upholding the values of all independent states.

In 2018, Ukrainians can continue to take pride in their accomplishments, primarily the national reform agenda which is moving the country forward domestically while building strong international relations.

The challenges are great. The hybrid aggression of the Russian Federation continues to take the lives of innocent Ukrainians and 4.4 million residents of the Donbas have been directly affected by a humanitarian crisis of proportions unseen since the end of World War II. However, the determination, resoluteness and courage of the Ukrainian people in the face of relentless aggression from the neighboring Russian Federation has brought the world to Ukraine’s side with respect for Ukraine’s demonstrative defense of not only its own territorial integrity, but peace and stability in the world.

On this Independence Day, we join in prayer to honor all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for Ukraine’s independence and keep in our thoughts the defenders who continue to stand on the frontlines to protect Ukraine’s borders.

May the Ukrainian flag wave freely in every corner of the world, symbolizing the unity in purpose with which the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine will be irrevocably entrenched.

On the occasion of the 27th anniversary of Ukraine’s Independence, the Ukrainian World Congress and its member organizations extend greetings to the hierarchs and clergy of Ukrainian Churches, the president of Ukraine, the prime minister of Ukraine, the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, all the brave men and women fighting for Ukraine’s independence, and Ukrainians worldwide.

“The Ukrainian World Congress and the 20-million strong Ukrainian diaspora stand firmly with the people of Ukraine on this greatest national holiday, the proclamation of the reinstatement of the independent Ukrainian state, and reaffirm our commitment to help ensure that the territorial integrity of Ukraine is fully restored,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.

Ukrainian Canadian Congress

The following release was sent by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress on August 24.

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC), representing the interests of Canada’s 1.4 million-strong Ukrainian community, extends warm greetings to all those celebrating the 27th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence! 

Twenty-seven years ago, the valiant centuries-long struggle of generations of Ukrainian patriots culminated in the Declaration of Ukraine’s Independence. On August 24, 1991, Ukraine’s Parliament, exercising the inviolable right of the Ukrainian people to self-determination, declared Ukraine an indivisible, democratic, independent state. 

Today, the Ukrainian people must again take up arms in defense of their country. Russia wages a war of aggression against Ukraine and seeks, once again, to subjugate Ukraine to Moscow’s tyranny. 

The Ukrainian people have answered the call to defend their homeland with determination, courage and honor. Today, the Free World is defended from the menace of despotism by the brave soldiers who fight under the Ukrainian flag. Today, blue and yellow are the colors of freedom. Secure in the knowledge that justice always triumphs over evil, we are certain that the Ukrainian people will be victorious in their righteous struggle. 

Today, as we mark the anniversary of Ukraine’s liberation from foreign subjugation, we honor the memory of the heroic Ukrainians who have fallen in defense of Ukraine’s freedom. We ask God to protect Ukraine’s daughters and sons who today valiantly defend that freedom against a ruthless enemy. And we pray that peace soon returns to Ukraine. 

Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

The statement below was disseminated by the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America on August 24.

On this 27th anniversary of Ukraine’s renewed independence, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), sends its warmest greetings and salutations to Ukrainians throughout the world.

May the Lord bless the Ukrainian people and grant them the wisdom and fortitude to secure their sovereignty and restore their territorial integrity during this difficult time for our homeland.

Slava Ukraini!