March 8, 2019

Ongoing aid to Ukraine being shipped by UUARC


A. Antonenko

UUARC volunteers load humanitarian aid for Ukraine.

PHILADELPHIA – On January 12, the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee (UUARC) sent the first humanitarian aid shipment of 2019 to Ukraine. The main contents of the shipping container included medical equipment and supplies, medical consumables, surgical instruments, patient hospital beds with mattresses, regular and electric wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, canes, adult diapers, hygiene products, equipment for children with severe disabilities, clothing, shoes, linens and books.

These items are distributed to Ukrainian soldiers and civilians who are suffering from the ongoing war and the failing economy in Ukraine. This particular shipment is intended for the Hospital for the Disabled of the War and Repressed in Vynnyky, Khodorovsky District Hospital, Zhuravnivsky Municipal Hospital, the Red Cross of Chortkiv, the Znamensky Children’s Boarding School, the Zaluchansky Orphanage, the Congregation of the Daughters of St. Vincent DePaul in Sniatyn, Social Services of the Sisters Servants in Lviv, and others who help the needy in Ukraine. The books are for the Kobrynsky Museum in Kolomyia and the Curia of the Major Archbishop of Kyiv-Halych of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church.

The UUARC expresses sincere gratitude to all our volunteers and donors. Thanks to your good will, the UUARC is able to arrange the dispatch of such necessary assistance in its containers.

The next container will be sent to the Donetsk region. We will be loading on Saturday, March 30, at 7 a.m. to noon, at the United Ukrainian American Relief Committee headquarters at 1206 Cottman Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111. We are asking all volunteers to call 215-728-1630. We encourage men of all ages to come out and help. The more young men who volunteer for this task, the easier it will be for everyone. Please note that the UUARC provides community service certificates to those who need them. Any donation of time is greatly appreciated – one hour, two hours, five hours. 

We are hopeful for continued aid from the community because, unfortunately, there are still many people in need in Ukraine who live in difficult conditions and await our support. 

Please be advised that we are no longer accepting women’s clothing. The most-needed items are medical equipment and supplies, and non-expired medical consumables, gently used men’s and children’s clothing, linens and blankets, diapers for babies and adults, school supplies and hygiene products.

Sincere gratitude to everyone who assists the UUARC with this program.