October 23, 2020

Our heritage and this election


Dear Editor:

In a letter to the editor (October 11), the writer expressed shock that Ukrainian Americans could support Joe Biden and elaborated: “Historically, Ukrainians have voted for the Republican Party” because of its “pro-Ukrainian stance on most issues.”

This, however, is not the Republican Party of our parents’ generation.

The current president has repeatedly insulted Ukraine and Ukrainians. Anyone who has followed the news – on any network – has observed him disrespecting our longtime NATO allies, ignoring the advice of U.S. intelligence agencies and military brass, denigrating veterans. We have witnessed him fawning over totalitarians like Vladimir Putin and consorting with criminals like Paul Manafort and Roger Stone.

Ukrainian Americans are capable of changing with the times as necessary. Sadly, under this president the Republican Party has lost its moral compass. Donald Trump’s behavior at debates and rallies, in his daily tweets, and his blatant disregard for the health and safety of his own staff – let alone all American citizens – is aberrant. This, along with Mr. Biden’s strengths, is why a host of principled Republican leaders has turned away from Mr. Trump. (See ad in October 11 issue.)

It is one thing to follow Ukrainian American tradition in our celebrations and ethnic foods. It is another to blindly follow tradition in our voting. Our deeper Ukrainian heritage is one of truth-seeking and dignity. Those of us supporting Mr. Biden are following our conscience, critical observation and love of the U.S. Constitution. This is a vote for the survival of decency and democracy.

Marika Kuzma
Madison, Conn.