June 14, 2019

Patriarch Sviatoslav visits Basilian Sisters


Sister Joann Sosler

Bishop Andriy Rabiy looks on while Patriarch Sviatoslav is greeted by Sister Dorothy Ann Busowski, provincial superior of the Sisters of St. Basil the Great.

FOX CHASE, Pa. – The Sisters of the Order of St. Basil the Great, Jesus, Lover of Humanity Province, were honored to welcome Patriarch Sviatoslav to their Motherhouse in Fox Chase, Pa., on May 20.

Accompanied by Bishop Andriy Rabiy, apostolic administrator of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia, and by Fathers Andriy Maksymovych, Volodymyr Malchyn and Ihor Yatsiv, the patriarch was greeted by Provincial Superior Sister Dorothy Ann Busowski, by Sisters Joann, Miriam Claire and Ann Laszok, and by the entire Fox Chase community.

Also attending this special event were the Basilian associates, the Rev. John Ciurpita (chaplain), Sean McLauglin (director of the Basilian Spirituality Center) and visiting iconographer Raymond Vincent.

Sister Dorothy Ann warmly welcomed Patriarch Sviatoslav with the traditional presentation of bread and salt and with heartfelt joy and gratitude for the opportunity to break bread with him, listen to him and thank him personally for all that he is doing as the head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. In her remarks, the provincial superior specifically thanked the primate for his spiritual leadership, inspiration and support, gifts that he has bestowed both in person and in writing.

Patriarch Sviatoslav was also personally greeted by all the sisters and guests attending the event. After asking that the Resurrected Jesus bless the patriarch with abundant grace, good health, a strong faith, selfless love and courage, the Basilian Sisters intoned a heartfelt “Mnohaya Lita.” A festive dinner followed in the sisters’ dining room.