July 10, 2015

Pavlo’s food truck well worth the trip


At Pavlo’s Taste of Ukraine (from left) are: Collin McLaughlin, Stefan Kozak, Victor Kecala, Maria Kecala, Natalia Kecala, Sophia Kecala, Natalia Hyk Kozak, Alexander Kozak and chef Pavlo Makolonda.

Dear Editor:

We (subscribers) recently went to Denver for Natalia Kecala’s graduation from University of Denver, where she earned a master’s degree in forensic psychology.

As part of the plans, goal No. 1 was to visit and enjoy Pavlo’s Taste of Ukraine, which we read about in a recent edition of The Ukrainian Weekly. It was well worth the trip – Pavlo Makolondra is a most pleasant and courteous proprietor. His fiancée took the order, and together they produced an excellent meal of our favorite foods for us eight – plus excellent beer from the 38 State microbrewery, which was the serving site for that day. Pavlo recounted tales from Lviv, handed down by his grandparents and familiar to us from our five trips to see cousin Marta in Lviv.

If we’re ever back in the Denver area, on a trip from our home in Springfield, Ill., Pavlo’s will be high on the agenda!


Springfield, Ill.