April 1, 2016

Plast ball in New Jersey introduces 12 debutantes


Bitcon Productions

The 12 debutantes at the Newark Plast Ball 2016.

WHIPPANY, N.J. – On January 16, the Parents’ Association of the Newark, N.J., branch of Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization sponsored its annual Plast Debutante Ball at the Hanover Marriott in Whippany, N.J. The debutante ball is a traditional event at which each debutante is formally presented to the community as a young lady.

Anya Tershakovec-Tomko and Borislaw Bilash, who served as this year’s masters of ceremonies, formally opened the event by welcoming the debutantes, their families and guests. After being formally introduced, each debutante was welcomed by guests as she was escorted through the center of the ballroom.

This year’s debutantes included young ladies from the Newark branch (which is now based in Whippany), as well as New Haven, Conn., Passaic, N.J., and Philadelphia: Anastasia Bilyk (escort Michael Lenyk), Arianna Centore (escort Mykyta Duvalko), Khrystyna Druzhynska (escort Alexander Zharovsky), Lidia Drybushar (escort Roman Onyshkevych), Juliana Hirniak (escort Ivan Wolansky), Laryssa Horodysky (escort Stefan Krysa), Kalyna Leshchuk (escort Maksym Mahlay), Andreya Pencak (escort Pavlo Stasiouk), Nadiya Stakhyra (escort Alexander Mulyk), Laryssa Terleckyj (escort Danylo Duvalko), Lena Wanio (escort Mark Kucy), and Deanna Zawadiwsky (escort Stephan Stasiuk).

The debutantes in their flowing white gowns danced gracefully with their escorts to a newly choreographed arrangement by Natalia and Andrij Cybyk. Each debutante also joined her father in a special waltz.

Roma Hladky, a Newark Plast scout, set up a table outside of the hall where she collected pledges and funds greatly needed for Ukraine.

After dinner, more guests arrived and danced the night away to the music of Tempo and Hrim, including a great 30-minute “Kolomyika.”

The success of this memorable event was made possible by members of the organizing committee: Natalia Voronka-Bilash and Ms. Tershakovec-Tomko (co-chairs), Christina Gnoy-Stasiuk, Alexandra Tershakovec-Zawadiwsky, Lida Lukianenko-Moczula and Marta Sygida-Kowal.