May 22, 2020

Plast moves its camp experience online


NORTH COLLINS, N.Y. – Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization in the U.S.A. and its National Board of Directors announced on April 30 that its camps will be cancelled for the 2020 summer season due to the coronavirus pandemic.

In its statement, Plast stated that its primary responsibility is to adhere to the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to protect all of its scouting members and prevent the spread of the virus. The cancellation of the 2020 Plast camp season includes the camps at Novyi Sokil in North Collins, N.Y., Pysanyj Kamin in Middlefield, Ohio, and Vovcha Tropa in East Chatham, N.Y., as well as its leadership camps Lisova Shkola and Shkola Bulavnykh.

Novyi Sokil will be hosting a virtual camp online. Additional information will be posted on camp website, Readers may support the camp through its online store.

Vovcha Tropa also has moved its camp activities online as a virtual camp. Additional information will be posted on the Vovcha Tropa Facebook page (

Pysanyj Kamin will be hosting a virtual camp on July 5-12, with registration open through its website ( The camp will also be hosting a 5K-run, off-premises. Additional information will be posted on its Facebook page (

The Plast board also announced the cancellation of other regular events, including its Memorial Day weekend camporee, Sviato Vesny, and its educational camps for counselors. The organization’s regular meetings have been moved online, as have as its educational programs and examinations.

The Plast board is working on other recommendations and means of allowing Plast scouts to advance their ranks without attending camps this year. The Plast leadership said it will continue to monitor and adjust to the changing conditions and will inform its members of any additional changes.

Source: Plast.