April 5, 2019

Plast Newark/Whippany holds annual Debutante Ball


Dan Bitcon

2019 Plast Newark debutantes and their escorts (from left): James Cairns, Melania Wowk, Lesyk Polatayko, Maya Bidiak, Pavlo Pencak, Natalia Hanchuk, Natalka Kaminsky, Isak Davydov, Katrina Korotky, Christian Petrenko.

WHIPPANY, N.J. – The Parents’ Association of the Newark, N.J., branch of Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization held its annual Plast Debutante Ball at the Hanover Marriott in Whippany, N.J. on January 26. The debutante ball is a traditional event at which each debutante is formally presented to the community as a young lady.

Marta Sygida-Kowal and Borislaw Bilash served as this year’s masters of ceremonies; they opened the event by welcoming the debutantes, their families and guests. After being formally introduced, each debutante was welcomed as she was escorted through the center of the ballroom.

Roman Shyprykevych

Debutantes and their escorts perform their choreographed dance during the presentation part of the ball.

This year’s debutantes included young ladies from the Newark/Whippany Plast branch Maya Bidiak (escort Lesyk Polatayko), Melania Wowk (escort James Cairns), Natalia Hanchuk (escort Pavlo Pencak), Natalka Kaminsky (escort Isak Davydov), and Katrina Huculak-Korotky of Toronto (escort Christian Petrenko)

The debutantes in their flowing white gowns danced with their escorts to a choreographed arrangement by Andrij Cybyk. Each debutante also joined her father in a special waltz.

Following dinner, more guests arrived and danced the night away to the music of Tempo and Philadelphia Funk Authority, including the traditional 30-minute “Kolomyika.”

The success of this memorable annual event was made possible by members of the organizing committee: Anya Tershakovec-Tomko (chair), Alexandra Tershakovec-Zawadiwsky, Natalia Voronka-Bilash, Oksana Hryniv-Shyprykevych and Marta Sygida-Kowal (head of the Parents’ Association). Next year’s zabava will take place at the Hanover Marriott on January 25.

Roman Shyprykevych

Debutantes and their escorts perform their choreographed dance during the presentation part of the ball.