April 3, 2015

Plast scouts enjoy eighth annual ski trip


Romana Pylyp

Participants of the winter trip organized by the Plast sorority Spartanky, that took place on February 1 at Holiday Mountain in Monticello, N.Y.

MONTICELLO, N.Y. – The eighth annual winter outing for the younger Plast scouts of the greater New York area took place on February 1 at Holiday Mountain in Monticello N.Y. This one-day ski trip was organized by the senior Plast scout sorority Spartanky.

Thirty-one Plast scouts along with their families – a total of 75 participants – took advantage of discounted tickets to experience skiing for the first time or to enhance their skiing skills at the friendly beginner-oriented mountain. Snow tubing was also available for all interested parties. In the afternoon the skiers and tubers completed requirements for the skiing merit badge.

This fine day concluded with a large bonfire built by the Holiday Mountain staff for the Plast group. After the scouts obtained their merit badges, all participants warmed up with songs, s’mores and friendship. Everyone got a lot of laughs when the organizers conducted audience members in acting out the traditional Ukrainian children’s tale called “Ripka” (The Turnip).

A moment of silence took place to commemorate the heroes who had lost their lives during the war in Ukraine. The bonfire ended with the traditional song “Nich Vzhe Ide” (Night is Coming”) and an “iskra” (spark) message passed through the hand-linked chain.

The scouts and their families all left very pleased with the day’s outing and are looking forward to next year’s event. Parents, in particular, appreciated the opportunity for their children to play with scouts of a variety of ages in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere of fun and sports in a beautiful sun-filled environment.

This year’s Spartanky organizers included Romana Pylyp, Lida Prokop, Lesia Matijcio and Lesia Magun.