November 13, 2020

Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization U.S.A. holds its annual conference virtually


The 38th annual national conference of Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization in the U.S.A. was held virtually over the weekend on October 31. Members from various branches of Plast in the U.S.A. came together to report on activities of the previous year and determine goals for the upcoming year. This year’s virtual conference provided a unique opportunity, allowing many more people to participate.

The annual meeting, known as Krayovyi Plastovyi Zyizd, or National Plast Conference, is a forum for discussion of resolutions regarding programs for the Ukrainian scouts in the U.S.A., and for making changes within the organization. Representatives of all Ukrainian scouts – young adult and senior sororities and fraternities within the Plast organization, as well as members of the National Executive Board of Plast and the World Plast Executive participated in the conference.

The current leader of the U.S.A. Plast National Command, Andrij Kozak, addressed conference participants and thanked everyone for their teamwork in the Plast organization, which is thriving despite the current global pandemic. Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, Plast has continued to run camps and meetings virtually. Mr. Kozak stressed the importance of remaining safe during the pandemic; as well he highlighted the significance of inclusivity.

Guest speaker, Ivanka Sochotska, a member of the Plast sorority Kniahyni and head of the Plast Inclusivity Committee in Canada, spoke about the ongoing process of shifting gears to become more inclusive of a larger population. During her PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Sochotska provided prompts regarding inclusivity to provoke thoughts and discussions, and to allow all members of the conference to actively participate. This reinforced and supplemented Mr. Kozak’s statement regarding Plast U.S.A. taking steps to become more inclusive.

On the topic of inclusivity, Mr. Kozak mentioned the formation of an inclusivity committee, which started its work last month. This committee is headed by Darka Temnycky of the Chortopolokhy sorority; its members comprise young adult scouts and senior scouts. They will be working with and listening to the experiences of members of the organization to ensure a comfortable environment for all.

The conference came to an end in the afternoon and was followed by National Conference of the young adult scouts. At their meeting, they discussed how to increase young adult participation in Plast and other questions and concerns that were submitted in a survey beforehand. During this part of the conference, the new director of young adult scouts, Christopher Bej of the Siromantsi fraternity of Plast, spoke of his plans for this segment of the Plast organization during his tenure.

The Plast U.S.A. motto for the upcoming year is “Plast is calling – be the change!”

For more on the Plast National Command and the 38th National Plast Conference, readers may log on to


Andreya Pencak is the press director for Plast U.S.A.