October 16, 2020

Please stop the mudslinging


Dear Editor:

As November 3 approaches, the invective grows more outrageous. A widely circulated Facebook blog charged that Trump supporters are “traitors” because they support a candidate who once said “I like Putin and Putin likes me.” It makes no difference to the author whether Donald Trump actually harmed or helped Ukrainians, or whether he hindered or facilitated Vladimir Putin’s designs.

So here are the hard facts: Mr. Trump’s rhetoric concerning Mr. Putin and Ukraine is 100 percent contrary to his actions. He has frustrated every Putin move and been tougher on Russia than any president since Ronald Reagan, and far more supportive of Ukraine with military and economic measures than Obama/Biden. Mr. Trump pointedly promised that under his presidency “Putin is never going into Ukraine… mark it down.” He then ridiculed Joe Biden with his comment that “they sent Ukraine pillows while I sent them tank busters.” Mr. Biden, as President Barack Obama’s point man on Ukraine, either failed miserably or never tried very hard to reverse a disastrous policy that cost Ukraine Crimea and huge continuing losses in the Donbas. Does anyone who saw the vice-presidential debate believe that a President Kamala Harris would do better?

I urge Ukrainians to calm down, take a deep breath, and know that the sun will rise again after the elections. We should remain unified to support our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. Hopefully, whichever side wins will claim a few seats at the table of either administration to help promote Ukrainian interests.

George Woloshyn
Cross Junction, Va.