November 11, 2016

Poroshenko congratulates Trump


Presidential Administration of Ukraine

President Petro Poroshenko and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch during their meeting on November 9.

KYIV – President Petro Poroshenko congratulated Donald Trump on winning the presidential elections in the United States that took place on November 8.

“My sincere congratulations to Donald Trump on being elected president of the United States and to the friendly American nation on democratic expression of will. This is a symbol of true democracy when nobody knew the results of the elections until the very last moment. And this is a feature of true democracy always professed and promoted by our reliable and strategic American partners and friends,” President Poroshenko said at a meeting with U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch on November 9.

Mr. Poroshenko emphasized that, by winning the highest office in the state, the new U.S. president also assumed responsibility for the global leadership of the United States in the democratic world.

Ukraine’s president also once again expressed appreciation for the bipartisan support of Ukraine by political forces of the United States as demonstrated by the American people, the U.S. Congress, the president and the administration.

He said he is hopeful that the U.S. will continue to provide that support in two important spheres: the struggle of Ukrainians against Russian aggression, for freedom and independence, and the restoration of sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as in the implementation of large-scale reforms in various spheres, starting from the fight against corruption to energy sector reform, ensuring the rule of law, implementation of constitutional amendments on justice, reform of the public procurement system, security and defense.

The president emphasized that the abovementioned elements of Ukrainian-American bilateral interaction and the strong support in strengthening international solidarity were designed to remain fundamental to their strategic partnership. Mr. Poroshenko also said he expects that the functioning of the bilateral Commission for Strategic Partnership will soon be relaunched.

The Ukrainian president also welcomed the re-election of representatives of the Ukrainian caucuses in the House of Representative and Senate, which, he said, will help continue efficient interaction and cooperation with the U.S. Congress.

Mr. Poroshenko expressed gratitude to Ambassador Yovanovitch for the statement that sanctions against Russia will be continued in December and her assurances that the new U.S. administration will remain a reliable partner in the struggle for democracy.

President Poroshenko also conveyed his invitation to the newly elected U.S. president to visit Ukraine.