January 6, 2017

Poroshenko on 25th anniversary of Ukraine-U.S. diplomatic relations


KYIV – “Since the recognition of the independence of Ukraine, the United States have remained a reliable and strategic partner of Ukraine at bilateral level and within international organizations,” President Petro Poroshenko stated on January 3.

In his greetings on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the United States, Mr. Poroshenko noted: “A true democratic partnership has been established between the two states, in the framework of which the United States continues to provide invaluable practical assistance in the development of state institutes, civil society, market economy and security reinforcement of our country.”

“Having abandoned the third [largest] nuclear arsenal in the world and a large volume of traditional weaponry, as well as the stockpiles of highly enriched uranium, Ukraine plays a historic role in the enhancement of global stability and nuclear non-proliferation regime. These have been tough decisions, but Ukraine made them relying on the assurances and security guarantees of foreign partners, first of all, the U.S.A.,” the Ukrainian president said.

Mr. Poroshenko expressed special gratitude for the constant bipartisan support of the U.S. for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity during these difficult times of Russian aggression, when the Ukrainian state is defending the key principles of freedom and democracy that laid the foundation for the success and strength of the American people.

The president emphasized Ukraine’s firm resolve to further facilitate its strategic partnership with the U.S. with a view toward enhancing comprehensive constructive cooperation in the political, security, economic and humanitarian spheres.