July 24, 2015

Pravyi Sektor wants to impeach government


KYIV – Hundreds of Ukrainian right-wingers rallied in Kyiv on July 21 to protest against government policies in the wake of a deadly standoff between radical nationalists and police in the country’s west. Pravyi Sektor leader Dmytro Yarosh announced that his group would start a campaign to conduct a national referendum on whether President Petro Poroshenko and his government should be impeached and an “absolute blockade” set up against territory in eastern Ukraine under the control of pro-Russian separatists. Mr. Yarosh said a referendum should also ask whether Ukrainians support the legal recognition of volunteer militia units and their right to carry arms as well as the introduction of martial law – which he said would help defeat the rebels in the east. (RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service, with additional reporting by Reuters and Interfax)