September 11, 2020

President of Ukraine responds to UWC letter about desecration of Holodomor statue


President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine issued a statement on September 7 condemning any acts of disrespect for the memory of millions of Holodomor victims, their relatives and the entire Ukrainian nation, and called on law enforcement agencies to investigate as soon as possible the act of desecration of the sculpture “Bitter Memory of Childhood” at the National Museum of the Holodomor-Genocide that occurred on the night of August 22.


Ukrainian World Congress President Paul Grod.

In an official statement, the president referred to a letter from Ukrainian World Congress President Paul Grod calling for measures to investigate the crime and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Mr. Zelenskyy stressed that the police should conduct all necessary investigative actions, classify the offenses and report on the progress of the investigation within a month. The case is under the control of Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Anton Herashchenko.

The UWC thanked all Ukrainian communities around the globe for their support of its appeal condemning the vandalism at the memorial and calling for a thorough investigation.

“We have been witnessing a global and coordinated anti-Ukrainian operation, including vandalism of memorials and disinformation campaigns that distort and falsify the truth about Ukraine’s history. It includes the desecration of the Holodomor memorial in Kyiv, vandalism at a Ukrainian cemetery in Toronto, defacing the future Communism victims memorial in Ottawa, among others. Kremlin propaganda is attempting to rewrite the history of our people, erase the memory of millions of Ukrainian victims of the totalitarian regime, turn our allies against us, and sow discord in our global communities,” UWC President Grod said in a statement released on August 26.