February 21, 2020

Prof. George Perfecky: a gentleman, a scholar


Dear Editor:

The well-written obituary for Prof. George Perfecky (February 2) correctly notes that “for years he served as the faculty advisor to the Ukrainian Club” at La Salle University.

It is worth mentioning that he was also instrumental in the creation of the club. In 1970, a few Ukrainian students at La Salle, discouraged by the Russophilic tendencies in the Slavic Club, approached Dr. Perfecky with the idea of creating a Ukrainian Club. Not only did he support this endeavor, but he also did everything possible to overcome bureaucratic obstacles and bring it to fruition.

As the number of Ukrainian students grew, the club won many awards for its displays of Ukrainian culture at various exhibitions. It also often carried out activities in defense of Ukrainian political prisoners in Soviet jails, and in support of Ukrainian independence. Through the years, Dr. Perfecky remained a dependable source of guidance, always helping the club in any way he could. He was truly a gentleman and a scholar.

Leo Iwaskiw,