Esteemed members of the UNA,

Dear Ukrainian brothers and sisters:

The date of February 22 is cause for great joy and pride as we mark the success of our organized community life, which began way back in 1894. Let us ponder the significance of this date as we listen to voices from our history, those of our grandparents and great-grandparents, affirming: “We did it!”

Health care reformer Suprun reinstated as acting minister

KYIV – Medical care system reformer Ulana Suprun, M.D., can perform her duties as Ukraine’s acting minister of health after the judge who suspended her last week reversed his injunction on February 14. 

The decision came after four days of deliberation by Kyiv Administrative Circuit Court Judge Serhiy Karakashyan based on a Justice Ministry appeal. 

Ukraine shines at World Economic Forum in Davos

KYIV – Ukraine has “turned the corner,” is back on investors’ radars and changing public perception beyond corruption and “war” about the country, Alexa Chopivsky, Ukraine House Davos (UHD) executive director, told The Ukrainian Weekly regarding the side venue’s performance at this year’s annual World Economic Forum in Switzerland. 

Experts: Presidential race still ‘wide open’ before March 31 vote

KYIV – The March 31 presidential election is “wide open” and “unpredictable” Ukraine experts and analysts have noted, as findings from fresh public opinion polls were released in the last two months before the New Year. 

Current national lawmaker and two-time Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko is the front runner, followed by incumbent President Petro Poroshenko and newcomer Volodymyr Zelenskiy, a showman and perhaps the country’s most popular comedian.

Orthodox Church of Ukraine granted independence

KYIV – If Ukrainians worldwide waited over 70 years to regain independence as a nation, a significant portion of its Orthodox Christian congregants had to wait more than three centuries to restore spiritual freedom from the same overlord – Russia. 

It came on January 6 when Christmas Eve is observed in accordance with the Julian calendar. St. George Cathedral in Istanbul, the seat of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, was the setting. A Ukrainian delegation consisting of Church hierarchs and politicians came for the historic ceremonies led by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.

Metropolitan Epifaniy elected to head unified Orthodox Church of Ukraine

KYIV – A more apt location couldn’t have been chosen to elect the leader of the newly established Orthodox Church of Ukraine on December 15. 

As thousands of worshipers stood outside in central Kyiv braving sub-zero temperatures, 192 delegates of the Unification Synod (Council) assembled inside, in the five-naved core beneath the ancient towering domes of St. Sophia Cathedral.