Armistice Day is celebrated in Paris as Moscow-stoked Donbas war continues

KYIV – As many of the world’s leaders met in Paris for ceremonies marking the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I on November 11, trench warfare was still ravaging Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region in a bloody conflict begun when Russia invaded the country in 2014. 

That same day and 1,860 miles east of the solemn event, Russia ensured that its appointed proxies in the occupied parts of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts remained in place through what the U.S. said were “sham” regional elections.

Germany’s Merkel, U.S. energy secretary and IMF visit Ukraine

KYIV – Angela Merkel’s fourth visit to Ukraine as Germany’s chancellor on November 1 coincided with bomb threats in the capital and Russia imposing more sanctions on the country. 

The goal of her one-day visit was to discuss the Russia-fueled Donbas war and, in particular, discuss Ukraine’s reform policy.

Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus marks centennial with concert in Kyiv

KYIV – Perhaps the highlight of the Detroit-based Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus’s (UBC) centennial tour of Ukraine was the joint concert with the local National Bandurist Capella on October 22. 

About 120 artists took to the stage that evening, showcasing Ukraine’s national musical instrument, which combines characteristics of the lute and harp, producing “a sound similar to a harpsichord but with a wider range and tone,” according to the UBC website. 

Ukraine set to sail with financial stability through 2019 with new IMF loan

KYIV – Ukraine has tapped new funding from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that could shore up its finances through 2019 while avoiding a liquidity crunch amid simultaneous presidential and parliamentary elections taking place next year. 

A new lending program was brokered on October 22 with the Washington-based lender worth $3.9 billion. It replaces a previously existing agreement (that would’ve expired in March 2019) worth more than four times as much that stalled in April 2017 because Kyiv wasn’t meeting reform benchmarks. 

Moscow severs ties with Constantinople over Ukraine Church’s independence

KYIV – The Russian Orthodox Church is severing its relationship with the spiritual authority of the Orthodox Christian world following a Synod, or assembly of church hierarchy, that was held in Minsk on October 15. 

The decision could signal the widest rift in the religious world since the 1054 schism that divided western and eastern Christianity or the Reformation of 1517 when Roman Catholicism split into new Protestant divisions.