Blasts at arms depots in Bulgaria, Czech Republic part of Russian plot to thwart Ukraine

KYIV – A secretive Russian military intelligence unit has been implicated in a series of explosions at munitions depots in Bulgaria and the Czech Republic as part of a long-term clandestine operation to cripple the supply of weapons for Ukraine’s war effort.

A spokeswoman for the Bulgarian Prosecutor-General’s Office, Silka Mileva, said on April 28 that six Russian nationals are being investigated for their alleged role in blasts at four weapons and armament facilities between 2011 and 2020, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reported in Sofia.

Ukraine braces for Russia’s next moves as Zelenskyy offers Putin meeting in Donbas
President enables call-up of army reserves as 120,000 Russian troops at border

KYIV – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy challenged his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to a meeting in the war zone of eastern Ukraine as the country’s warring neighbor has now amassed more military forces than when it first invaded in 2014-2015 amid a high-intensity war.

In addition to deploying 120,000 troops around Ukraine’s state border and in occupied Crimea, Moscow has limited maritime traffic through the Azov and Black seas, and vastly reduced the supply of diesel fuel, a critical component of the country’s industrial economy.

Zelenskyy dismisses two Constitutional Court judges in controversial move

KYIV – Ousted Constitutional Court Chief Justice Oleksandr Tupytsky on March 29 challenged his dismissal by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy with the Supreme Court, a court filing shows.

Post-Soviet Ukraine’s sixth president had two days earlier revoked Mr. Tupytsky’s appointment to the court by reversing a presidential decree that his predecessor, Viktor Yanukovych, had signed on September 17, 2013.